The Architecture of Good Brand Design

Image: Photographer Ryan Plomp
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What is Brand Architecture? And why is it so important to understand before you start your business?

Understanding Brand Architecture

Brand architecture refers to the way a company structures and organises its brand portfolio. It defines how the company’s various brands are related to each other, and how they are positioned in the marketplace.

Brand architecture is a critical component of a company’s overall branding strategy, as it helps to create a consistent and coherent brand identity across all products and services. By establishing a clear and effective brand architecture, companies can strengthen their overall brand equity, improve customer recognition, and differentiate themselves from competitors. Brand architecture can take many forms, including monolithic, endorsed, sub-brands, and hybrid, and is influenced by a variety of factors such as the size of the company, the products or services offered, and the target audience.

Large Scale Brand Architecture

First, let’s understand what brand architecture looks like at a large scale

Now that we know what a brand architecture can look like on a large scale, let’s take a look at how this can apply to smaller brands. 

What does Brand Architecture look like for a smaller brand?

For smaller brands or businesses, brand architecture is just as important as it is for larger companies. Here are some key elements that are important in brand architecture for smaller brands or businesses:

Examples of Brand Architecture considerations within smaller businesses

Here are some examples of brand architecture in small businesses:

In each of these examples, the brand architecture is tailored to the specific needs and goals of the small business, while still adhering to the key elements of clarity, simplicity, consistency, flexibility, and customer focus.

If you are in the planning stages of starting your business, you may want to also check out our article on How to Name Your Business or Brand

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